- Outdoor Gym Opens12/04/2015
- From tomorrow Athy College's new outdoor gym is being made available to the public. A new gate to the roadside has been constructed and when the gate is open the gym is available. The facility will be open from 4pm till dark each evening and for most of the weekend.
There are six stations with twelve "machines"
No dogs are allowed.
You must be over 14 to use equipment.
Participants use equipment at their own risk.
Any anti social behaviour will result in limiting its use so please help us to maintain and develop this amenity by reporting your concerns.
My thanks to the parents and the Athy Rowing and Canoe club for the manpower
Instructions: No dogs, no charge, no excuses, no anti social behaviour, no excuses, no litter, no excuses, no excuses, .........so GET OUT----GET FIT
- From tomorrow Athy College's new outdoor gym is being made available to the public. A new gate to the roadside has been constructed and when the gate is open the gym is available. The facility will be open from 4pm till dark each evening and for most of the weekend.