Message from the Principal

Athy College has grown from strength to strength over the years. Number of students choosing our school has increased so rapidly that we have had to install several temporary classrooms in advance of our new building.
We pride ourselves in delivering high quality, innovative, modern inclusive education which has won us the title of School Of Distinction from Trinity College for three successive years. We are also the first school in Ireland to become a Google Reference School which acknowledges our prowess in harnessing the value of new technology.
Above all Athy College is about the student. Our caring and inclusive atmosphere has made the school a good place to enjoy second level education. We believe that students need to feel comfortable and safe before they can reach their full potential.
Our conscientious and highly motivated staff give generously of their time and knowledge both inside and outside the classroom and seek to get the best from all students
Athy College’s first class facilities give students every opportunity to enjoy both study and recreation in modern surroundings. Students joining us next year will also benefit from an even more modern building which should begin building next year.
Please enjoy our website and feel free to contact us with any questions.
Mr Richard Daly - Principal