While there has been no definite directive yet parents and students have been eagerly awaiting direction before the return to online classes. Below is a summary of my understanding of what the situation is and as I get further confirmation I will post it online.
School Update - A Summary On Monday 22nd February Athy College opens for some of our students who have already been notified. Currently we expect that Leaving Certificate students will be next to return. (Possibly 1st March but to be confirmed) We expect that some other classes may follow but the return could be slow due to safety situation at the time. Exams The Junior Cycle exam is cancelled. Certification should issue similar to last year. The Leaving Cert written examination is planned to begin June 9th. Timetable at examinations.ie Calculated grades (SEC Accredited Grades) will be issued from the school Students may opt for either or both.(written and or calculated) Students to select which option on March 8th Results Indications are that results will issue mid August to allow CAO selection Students who opt for both written and calculated grades will be awarded the highest grade achieved from both options. In School Mocks for LC class should take place as soon as possible after the return - date to be announced once return date confirmed On Return Safety procedures need to be strictly followed for those coming in There should be no engagement by students or parents with teachers regarding calculated grades - we will have a very strict process to follow Students should continue to study for exams as normal. Opinion Choosing to take both options (written and calculated) effectively doubles your chances of achieving the best grades I hope this assists with some of your concerns Comments are closed.
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