Athy College are delighted to have received very generous sponsorship from local company EnergyPro consisting of full access PREMIUM accounts on Studyclix for all students at the school. is Ireland’s largest online learning community and will help students manage their own learning outside of the classroom.
“StudyClix is a recognised advantage which can increase students examination achievement considerably and EnergyPro has given this opportunity to all of our students. We are very appreciative of this kind and generous support for all of our students” said principal Richard Daly. “EnergyPro is about creating a better world and a better environment through their management of renewable energy and they have shown that they can also create a better world and a better environment for our students. Thank you” During the week students have been logging on to StudyClix Premium and are accessing material which is very supportive of what they are studying in classes and will be a major advantage as they approach state examinations. Comments are closed.
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