As we now come to the last week before school returns here are a few pieces of information which might assist parents.
When are students back? A list of the class groups and when they are expected in is on the website. Students will be given induction, timetables, organise books, etc and begin at and will finish at 1pm on each of the day. What do they need? Masks will need to be worn by all in the building. Visors may be used but do not have the same reliability as masks. It is going to be difficult for all but we have to take the safety of all into account so it will be strictly enforced. Ideally students should bring tissues and a small container of hand sanitiser for use outside class/school Items cannot be shared so students need to have their own writing equipment or any other items that they may need in class Washing and sanitation Students will be informed about how to wash hands and how to use the hand sanitisers which are available in every classroom and all social areas. Warm water and soap is provided in several area. Contact number It is important that the contact number that we have is accurate and thst there is somebody available to collect a student should they become ill. Illness Any student who is feeling ill should not attend school. Any student showing symptoms in school will require sanitisation of the area where they have been. Chromebooks/Laptops We ask anyone who is in a position to do so to provide a Chromebook/laptop. We may have to move to a blended learning environment quite suddenly and we will be trying to minimise the use of books and copies. We have several which are available for student use and will be able to share these once we know how many students are able to provide their own. Most devices/laptops will be suitable and if you have difficulty talk to us. Payments School payments should be made online. There has been an excellent response to date in using this method. Thank you. Food We are implementing a completely new system where food will be provided at no cost for break and lunch. Choice will be limited as everything must be prepackaged and handed out with the minimum of contact. There will be no breakfast club and students can not congregate before school. Breaks We are splitting breaktime and lunch time which will halve the number of students in the general area at any time Uniform There is no change to the uniform which should be worn every day. We are still organising arrangements for PE. The school jacket could be most important this year as we will try to make as much use as possible of our outdoor spaces to allow some “mask free” time Toilets We have to limit the number of people allowed in toilets at one time. Capacity will be half what it was last year. One Way System There is a one way system in operation throughout the building. This allows us all to travel without traffic in the opposite way. Students have to maintain distance during these movements. Lockers We want to make lockers available for students. Distance has to be maintained and there will only designated times for different groups to go to their lockers Behaviour What might have been seen as horseplay or “messing” now carries serious health implications so behaviour levels need to be very well maintained. Handshaking, hugging, jostling now have consequences. Sadly, we have to be very careful socially and we need parents' help to explain this to our students. Visitors Unfortunately visiting the school can only be done by prior appointment. Forms, etc which need to be signed can be left in the letterbox and will be posted out when completed. The preferred method of communication is email but telephone if the matter is urgent. After School All after school activities (including after school study) have been cancelled for the foreseeable future. Students are encouraged to leave the premises as soon as possible at the end of the school day. Cleaning All areas in the school need to be cleaned at least once each day. In the classroom students will be supplied with disinfectant wipes to sanitise their desks before and after use. MOST IMPORTANT School needs to be a positive experience for students and we will make every effort to ensure both their safety and still allow them to interact with each other. This is new to us all and will need everybody’s help. Our responsibility is to get schools open and we are aware of most of the difficulties that we have to overcome and have been working on this for some weeks now. If there are any items which I have not covered please let me know. Comments are closed.
Athy College FleeceMedical Info
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